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Please visit my ZAZZLE shop for t-shirts, mugs and other merch featuring my artwork and designs
Shop temporarily disabled. We are out of town for an extended work trip. Shop will return November 1, 2024.

Holy Ghost Fire_HRoe_2023sm.jpg
Southern Gothic

Southern Gothic themed artwork

Dans le poulailler_HRoe_2019sm.jpg
Courir de Mardi Gras

Cajun Mardi Gras themed artwork

Jolie blonde chante avec son papa_HRoe_2
Louisiana Culture

Louisiana culture themed artwork 

Louisiana Heron_Egretta tricolor_HRoe_20

Natural world themed artwork featuring plants and animals

Moundville Aerial_HRoe_2020sm.jpg
Native American Illustrations

Archaeology and Native American themed artwork

Satsuma Fizz Zapps HHJ& Pops roast beef_
Still Life

Still life paintings of food and other subjects

New Prints_Dec 2020_HRoe.jpg
Fine Art Prints

Limited editions fine art prints, signed and numbered by the artist

Cajun Fiddler_Number 1_HRoe_2012.jpg
Linoleum Block Prints

Limited edition hand-colored linoleum block prints

Crassostrea Virginica_2_HRoe_2020.jpg
Small Works

A collection of smaller works, mostly watercolors and drawings.

All we can do is smile back_HRoe_2020sm.
Broken Art Sale

Studio clearance of lightly damaged artwork for reduced prices

We don’t have any products to show here right now.

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